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From Flab to Fab 1

From Flab to Fab

While I refrain from giving any universal recommendations, this list is fairly good for most of the people trying to manage obesity. The basic principle of eating only when there is hunger This is simple science. That feeling you getRead More »From Flab to Fab

All About the Elements

Practice observing elements around you! Everything is a play of 5 Elements.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ If we understand this simple yet profound concept, we can incorporate necessary changes in our diet and lifestyle to stay healthy both mentally and physically.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ FoodRead More »All About the Elements

Menstruation Protocol Image

Menstruation Protocol

Women today have many more responsibilities and have to be on their toes constantly to prove their talent. We have to go on with our lives like nothing happened even during menstruation days. We have to accept the consequences thatRead More »Menstruation Protocol

To do or not to do!!

We are the only living beings bestowed with knowledge, this intellect will help us make the right choices using logical reasoning. With great deal of information available at our fingertips, we know countless things that can help elevate the qualityRead More »To do or not to do!!