Marma Chikitsa: gentle stimulation of vital points in the body that restores energy levels, alleviates anxiety, stress, trauma and improves sleep. $120
Abhyanga and Swedana: full body rhythmic massage with oil that rejuvenates, releases tension, calms the mind, and leads to deep states of relaxation ending with a session of Swedana (steam treatment). $165
Shirodhara: a stream of warm oil on the forehead and scalp that calms the nervous system, and alleviates emotional stress, insomnia, headaches, neck and shoulder pain. $120
Udwarthanam, Snehan and Swedana: Full-body oil and herbal powder massage that helps eliminate body fat, softens and exfoliates the skin, improves blood circulation, improves joint mobility, and brings lightness to the body ending with a session of Swedana (steam treatment). $300
Kati Basti: warm oil bath on the sacrum. It alleviates pains and tensions in the low back. It improves flexibility, calms the nervous system, and relieves sciatic nerve pain. $120
Manya Basti: warm oil bath on the neck area for mild or chronic pain and tension, such as cervical spondylosis. $120
Janu Basti: warm oil bath on the knees to lubricate and detox. It improves flexibility, relieves pain and strengthens the knees. $150
Nabhi Basti: warm oil in the navel region. It improves conditions such as diarrhea, indigestion, gastritis, irritable colon, and other digestive problems. $120
Netra Basti: warm ghee bath in the eyes to relieve tiredness, pain, dryness, itchiness, and tension. It reduces wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes. $120
Hrid Basti: warm oil bath in the heart area. It nourishes, rejuvenates, and strengthens the heart, it improves cardiac functions. It also helps to free up repressed emotions such as sadness and anger. $120
Karnapurna: warm oil bath inside the ears. It improves sleep, ear problems, migraines, neck or jaw pain, and vertigo. $75
Other treatments
Pinda Sweda: therapy that uses a bolus of medicated rice and milk to massage the body. It promotes the elimination of toxins, increases blood flow, relieves joint pain/stiffness and overall enhances functioning of the joints. $125 and each additional body part is $25
Churna Pottali: therapy that uses a bolus of medicated powders and oils to massage the body. It helps to remove toxins and stiffness. $120
Nasya: inhalation of medicated steam along with application of medicated oils inside the nostrils. It helps to release excessive mucus build up in the sinuses, throat and lungs. It gives a sense of mental clarity and lightness in the head area. $90
Padabhyanga: foot massage that stimulates the nerves, increases energy, stimulates blood circulation, induces relaxation, eliminates toxins, prevents migraines and improves urinary problems. $90
Shiroabhyanga: relaxing technique where the head is massaged to stimulate all the senses and awaken sensorial perception. $90
Mukhaabhyanga: relaxing technique where the face is massaged to lift the facial muscles, relax the jaw and release mental tension. $90
Anuvasan Basti: $90
Abhyanga and Shirodhara-$265: a package that includes both the Abhyanga or Vishesh massage with Shirodhara.